It’s true! Thanks to Ethan Lee aka flibitijibibo, Bleed finally has a Linux port. Woohoo! You can get it now on Steam or the Humble widget on this very site!
A little bonus info: if you run Bleed with “debug” as a launch option, it’ll start in debug mode (I’m not positive I left that in the port code, but I know it’s in the PC version for sure. My apologies in advance if that’s the only place you can find it.)
Debug mode lets you see some of the things I’ve talked about on this blog, like the hitboxes of Entities and the invisible damage volumes on the player’s weapon.
Also, pressing the middle mouse button draws the collision tile layer which lets you see how some of the scenes are constructed. For example, it exposes most fast-moving areas as actually being completely still, with the backgrounds whipping by at high speeds to create the illusion of movement.
Finally, debug mode also grants you access to a new Challenge Mode room (a featureless debug arena, haha.)
Aside from that, personal life got in the way of work big time this week, so I sadly don’t have a heck of a lot else to talk about. Hopefully by the end of next week I’ll have made good progress!